/ For the sake of an outrageous profit
​The people’s watch that started against the gold digging company in July 2019 at Ida Mountains, may have been one of the biggest environmental movements in Turkey.

/ Screenings
2020 Green Montenegro International Film Fest, World Premiere
2020 International Green Culture Festival "Green Fest", Belgrade / Serbia, Europe Premiere, Official Selection

2020 Antakya International Film Festival, Antakya/ Turkey, Finalist 

2020 International Women's Film Festival KIN, Erivan/ Armenia, Official Selection

2020 Bozcaada International Festival of Ecological Documentary, Çanakkale / Turkey, Screening​
2020 AXD Short Film Festival, Alexandroupolis / Greece, Screening​
2020 Fotofilm Internatıonal Short Film Festival, Istanbul / Turkey, Screening​
2020 Sicilymovie - Festival del Cinema di Agrigento, Agrigento / Italy, Screening​
2021 ECOCUP Green Documentary Film Festival, Moscow / Russian Federation, Screening​
2021 SEFF - Smaragdni eco film festival, Sisak / Croatia, Screening​
2021 S.O.F.A Film Festival, Nicosia / Cyprus, Screening​

​2021 Inheritance - The Environmental Festival, Belfast / United Kingdom, Official Selection